Changemaker Day &
The Classroom Ten
One Month Before
Changemaker Day
Decide the best location for your video pep rally.
A fun environment where you can show a video, students have space to stand up and dance, and the room has good audio.
What is the best time(s) for your pep rallies?
Which grades will attend each one?
Gather your students according to what best fits your building and your schedule.
Keep in mind that there will be separate videos for grade levels that will be making avatars.
Inform 6th grade teachers and parents that students are invited to dress up as superheroes for Changemaker Day.
Decide when each student will create a Changemaker hero avatar.
This step is fun for students and takes you one step closer to a successful program.
Allow students ten minutes to create their avatar and write down their parent claim code. You can rotate students through the computer lab or stations if students do not have their own device. This step is crucial. Students can create their avatar at home but participation will be much higher if this step occurs at your school.
The Week Before
Changemaker Day
Post "Changemaker is coming" teaser
on social media
Send Parent Email #1
Print Parent Flyers for students creating avatars
Send one home with each 6th grade student on Changemaker Day.
My students will be creating avatar AT SCHOOL
My students will be creating avatar AT HOME
Receive your Changemaker Day Package from our Team
Send Teacher Email
Distribute teacher kits to 6th grade teachers
Test 7/8th pep rally video and room audio
Send Parent Email #2
Post "You're Gonna Love This" on social media
Changemaker Day
Challenge students to create a superhero avatar at school or at home

Send home grade appropriate Parent Flyers
Send Parent Email #3
Download Student Participation Report and email to teachers daily
Distribute rewards to teachers, as needed

Ensure "The Classroom Ten" is occurring in classes daily
Send Parent Emails (follow plan)

If you made it this far, you are on your
way to Big Impact at your school!