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Virtual Fundraising: How Can My School Raise Money Online?

Fundraising for schools can help pay for everything and anything, from field trips to new books. However, just like so many other areas in life, they're moving online

because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

But that doesn't mean you have to stop raising money to help reach your goals. Here are our best online fundraising ideas for schools.

Put Your Big Events Online

Some of the most successful fundraising for schools are through big events, like a

school disco or talent show. We see no reason why these events can't transition to a virtual platform with the right planning. Indeed, students may even be more likely to participate in a school talent show if they can record their talent at home and send in a video rather than performing live.

And there's no reason why a school quiz couldn't be held over Zoom or Skype. You

can even mute your own mic so nobody can listen to your team discussing the


Use Social Media To Advertise

Want more online fundraising ideas for schools? Start marketing your activities as if you were a business. If you're giving away a giant, spooky Halloween-hamper in a raffle, put some ghoulish photos on your school's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Create some hype around your fundraising ideas; by moving online, more parents

can see what you're offering and are more likely to donate.

Utilize Leaderboards

Whichever fundraiser idea you go with, and however you choose to sell it on social

media, one great way to increase the amount you raise is to get your students' competitive juices flowing. When fundraising for schools, we suggest a class-v-class approach.

Create a visible leaderboard, either physically or online - or both! Make sure this

leaderboard is accessible to all so each class can see where they rank, with a prize

for the leading group and a forfeit for the stragglers. You'll be surprised how much

your penny-drives can raise when there are treats on the line.

Check Out Peer-To-Peer Fundraising

One of the best online fundraising ideas for schools is implementing a peer-to-peer fundraising service into your mission. When individuals raise money for a personal project, it's often called crowdfunding. A goal is met through several smaller donations from a variety of donors, often friends and family.

Peer-to-peer fundraising is very similar, as multiple participants essentially have their own crowdfunding page. A peer-to-peer software organization will monitor and organize to help your school reach its target.

This is where virtual fundraising can be utilized to its full potential. With so many

different fundraising pages and fundraisers able to share regular updates of their

progress on social media, campaigns can quickly gain attention and traction.

Text And Email Alerts.

If you choose the right organization to help you with your peer-to-peer fundraising, you can get access to packages that will let you easily thank donors with emails and text messages.

With fundraisers able to share regular updates of their progress on social media,

campaigns can quickly gain attention and traction. Your online fundraising ideas for schools can now be seen by thousands, not just people in your local area but


Let Us Help You Fundraise!

So there are our five very best online fundraising ideas for schools. At Hello Donor,

we love helping schools and nonprofits with their fundraising goals. We make it

easier to collect more donations, multiplying your fundraising efforts with amplified reach, ongoing engagement, and change round-ups. Learn how we can help you today!


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